Arthritis Society Celebrates Dr. Ross Petty Chair

We’ve all heard of arthritis, but too often we think on it as an old person’s condition. And contrary to popular belief, children are also affected by an equally debilitating form of the disease, better known as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). However, thanks to the generosity of many families and donors, The Arthritis Society – BC & Yukon Division, definitely has something to celebrate. After raising $5 million, the Ross Petty Research Chair for Pediatric Rheumatology has now been established at the University of British Columbia (UBC). This legacy fund will now ensure that children get help sooner and will further ensure continued funding and research of the 40+ years of work that Dr. Petty has already dedicated to finding a cure. A small celebration marked the occasion as friends, family and dignitaries toasted this milestone moment together.

Bc arthritis ross petty

01 – With a beautiful beaming smile, you wouldn’t guess that eight year-old Cassie Porte, seen here with mom Debbie, suffers from debilitating JIA. Here they celebrate Childhood Arthritis Month together.

02 – Having dedicated a lifetime to research, Dr. Ross Petty was honoured this evening by national Arthritis Society CEO Janet Yale at the Childhood Arthritis Month celebration.

03 – Communications manager Mike Leland is always on hand to lend a hand when it comes to working hard behind the scenes for The Arthritis Society – BC & Yukon Division.

04 – Executive assistant Madelene Tattersall greets guests and dignitaries as they arrive for the special Ross Petty Research Chair / Childhood Arthritis Month celebration and presentation.

05 – Executive director Nancy Roper, of The Arthritis Society – BC & Yukon Division, chats with David Porte, who was instrumental in helping raise money for this cause and for starting the “Cassie & Friends” charity on behalf of his daughter.

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By Catherine Barr – Mar 7, 2013

Also as seen in print in the North Shore Outlook Newspaper on Mar 28, 2013


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