catherine barr


Since 1996, Catherine Barr has reported on all aspects of life in Vancouver. Best known for her social event columns and photos, her articles have featured hundreds of local and international celebrities along with coverage of all the star-studded galas, fund raisers and invite-only parties around town.

So please feel free to stay awhile and browse the photo galleries and videos. Or, better yet, get on the list by signing up for Cat Calls and find out where all of Vancouver's best parties are held.

Submit an Event Here

Are you hosting a fund raiser, gallery opening or special event of your own. Be sure to send in your information here.

join catherine

Do you want to know where all the great parties and events are being held? Then just add your name to Cat Calls (soon to be one of Vancouver's best party lists) and never be left out again.

Video Gallery

It's new, it's fun and it's like watching live television. Check out Catherine's video pages and feel like you're right in the action.

Download the Quicktime plug-in here to see all of this site's streaming video features.


Site Highlights

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Check the links above for the latest versions of Cat's Eye, Vancouver's best people and events column.

North Vancouver and West Vancouver

Who's who, and who's not. Cat's Eye is the society page that people in Canada's wealthiest communities turn to each week.

See the latest photos here.

Pick up a copy of the North Shore Outlook (available throughout North Vancouver and West Vancouver) every Thursday.

Downtown vancouver

Whether it's high society schmoozing or nightclub cruising, you'll find it in Cat's Eye.

See the latest photos here.

Pick up a copy of The Westender  (available at newstands throughout Vancouver every Thursday) and find faces you know and all the best places to go.

*Cartoon Catherine by artist Cynthia Frenette



catherine barr reporter
Above photo by Rob Newell

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Catherine's website and server provided by the official community websites of
West Vancouver and North Vancouver.




catherine barr