WEST Vancouver's Eagle Harbour may be getting a brand new community centre, but raising money for the Kids-Go-To-Camp Fund will always be a priority. Their 4th Annual Summer Highlight family barbecue was held on Wednesday Aug. 14 for just that purpose as moms, dads and kids gathered to eat hot dogs and hamburgers and try their hand at several carnival games. The commmunity centre's own summer camp participants and leaders set up lots of different activities making this year's event an extra-special "fun"tastic time. |
If you would like a larger copy of any of the above photos, please send an email to cbarr@westvancouver.com (or click below). You must include the name of the event, the date, the names of the individuals in the pictures AND the number code of the picture (just drag your mouse over the photo - it will be something like DCF0001.jpg). Thank you.
created by Catherine Barr
on 8/21/02 |