"CELEBRATING excellence in British Columbia Film and Television" was what it was all about on Saturday May 11 as local stars and celebs crowded into Vancouver's Westin Bayshore Resort and Marina. The fourth annual awards show had all the makings of a real hollywood-style production as stars and starlets, agents, directors and producers sipped champagne and dined together in the beautifully decorated ballroom, each nervously awaiting their chance to hear the words "and the Leo goes to . . ." |
If you would like a larger copy of any of the above photos, please send an email to cbarr@westvancouver.com (or click below). You must include the name of the event, the date, the names of the individuals in the pictures AND the number code of the picture (just drag your mouse over the photo - it will be something like DCF0001.jpg). Thank you.
created by Catherine Barr
on 5/15/02 |