DOUGLAS Coupland has a few talents we know about, and a few thousand we don't. His book, "Souvenir of Canada", is still number two on the Canadian Best Sellers (non-fiction) list and, as if that isn't enough, he has now turned his other artistic energies into a labour of love for North Vancouver's Artists For Kids Trust (AFK). On Thursday Sept. 10, Coupland and his friends, family and invited guests attended the "Oh Canada" exhibit. Featuring works by Coupland and other artists, the evening celebrated Coupland's induction into the AFK family and introduced his newest lightjet photo print "West Coast". |
If you would like a larger copy of any of the above photos, please send an email to cbarr@westvancouver.com (or click below). You must include the name of the event, the date, the names of the individuals in the pictures AND the number code of the picture (just drag your mouse over the photo - it will be something like DCF0001.jpg). Thank you.
created by Catherine Barr
on 10/14/02 |