HERE ye, here ye, all lord and ladies. I hereby proclaim through all the land that Sentinel Secondary School's Medeival Faire was a complete success. The West Vancouver high school, the parents advisory council and its volunteers helped put on a great day of fun and games on April 13 that included displays, shows, contests, music, art displays and a craft sale with tons a good stuff to buy. There was truly something for everyone. Congratulations to all those involved for such a fabulous event. Next up for the school - a production of Robin Hood that you won't want to miss (April 23-27). |
Larger copies of the above photos are available by request. Please email your requests, including title of event, date of event and the names of the people in photo along with THE NUMBER OF THE FILE (move your cursor over the file to see the number at the bottom of your screen), to cbarr@westvancouver.com (or click on the name below) and I will be happy to forward you the photo. Thanks.
created by Catherine Barr
on 21/4/02