OUTSPOKEN, some say enlightened, and definetly different, the 13th annual Under the Volcano festival took place Aug. 11 in North Van's Cates Park. The popular "festival of art and social change" has attracted more than 80,000 people over the years and continues to grow judging by this year's crowds of speakers, demonstrators, musicians, artisans, dancers and onlookers. Everything from folk music to funk, rap, raves, herbs and hemp, you gotta see this one for yourself. Somewhat anti-establishment, the people are nonetheless friendly and open minded enough to let this corporate based, media driven, consummate consumer (me), snap off a few photos for fun. |
If you would like a larger copy of any of the above photos, please send an email to cbarr@westvancouver.com (or click below). You must include the name of the event, the date, the names of the individuals in the pictures AND the number code of the picture (just drag your mouse over the photo - it will be something like DCF0001.jpg). Thank you.
created by Catherine Barr
on 8/19/02 |