It was time for tea at Hycroft house last Wednesday where the Pret-a-Pour-Tea event helped raise money for breast cancer. A little comedy at Vancouver's newest club followed over the weekend at Vancouver's Funny Bone in the Edgewater Casino at the Plaza of Nations. And finally, in preparation for Halloween, the Mask-4-Aids Charity Masquerade Ball on Saturday Night gave guests at the Four Season quite a fancy fright.
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Comedy headliner Gilbert Gottfried, who is probably best know for the voice of Iago in Disney's "Aladdin", appeared last weekend at Vancouver's Funny Bone, the newest venue to feature live stand-up in town. |

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Nina Sohi (left) and Lorraine Murphy got all glammed up for the Mask-4-Aids Charity Masquerade Ball, held at the Four Seasons, in support of the Shooting Stars Foundation and direct service AIDS organizations. |

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At Mask-4-Aids: Organizer Jude Kusnierz (left) from Beaumont Studios, guest Erica Jensen, Shooting Stars' executive director Kendra Sprinkling, drag diva Carlotta Gurl and guest Elisabet Stowe. |

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Local artists created one-of-a-kind masks which were on display at various galleries prior to the Mask-4-Aids Event. Winning bidders, like Randy Johnstone, then got the chance to wear them to the gala. |

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Organizer Tammy Preast (left), MC and radio personality Pam Stevens and co-organizer Sharon Chan-Knight all helped raise money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation via their Prêt-a-Pour-Tea at the Hycroft Manor in Shaughnessy. |

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The inaugural Prêt-a-Pour-Tea event was highlighted by a real "high tea" featuring scones and cream, a silent auction and fashions by Blushing Designs. |