Cornucopia - Whistler's Celebration of Wine and Food - is one of the most popular events of the year. Attracting visitors from Vancouver and beyond, the festival celebrated its' 10th anniversary last weekend with a record breaking list of wine seminars, trade tastings, winemakers' dinners and the "Crush! Gala Grand Tasting" on Saturday night. For those wishing extra indulgences, the Bearfoot Bistro's "Moulin Rouge" did not disappoint as did Araxi's "Bubbles, Jazz and The Sea" which helped celebrate the restaurant's 25th year.
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The Bearfoot Bistro and Andre St. Jacques (centre) have become synonymous with Cornucopia. This year his Moulin Rouge party included wine, champagne, vodka and more including his famous body painted models and food from six other Vancouver restaurants. |

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Filling in for Tojo himself, Vancouver's Nathan Fong decorated a body painted model in sushi rolls at the Bearfoot's Moulin Rouge party. |

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Known for its wine, women and song, a $250 ticket to the Bearfoot's Moulin Rouge party came complete with strawberries and a chocolate covered model. |

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Wearing his red framed glasses, Vancouver chef Gord Martin and his Bin 941, Bin 942 team created rich fois gras canapes to serve at the Moulin Rouge event. |

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Cheers to Vancouver chef Romy Prasad, of Savoury Coast fame, who helped make the "Crush" tasting event a big success with samples from his new 700 Degrees venture. |

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Stile Wines' managing partner Carmen D'Onofrio Jr. and Selena Marzin were busy at "Crush" pouring some very exclusive Feudi di San Gregorio wine. |

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Live jazz, seafood and a cake as high as the ceiling were all features at Araxi's 25th anniversary celebration thanks in part to Vancouver's Top Table restaurant group PR gals Annabelle Hawksworth and Kate Colley Lo. |