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Edgemont Wildlights Lantern Festival North Vancouver
Aug 24, 2007
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
The North Shore Outlook is delivered to over 60,000 homes in Canada's wealthiest communities, North Vancouver and West Vancouver, every Thursday - over 60,000 issues in print. |
It was a dark but moonlit night, - when something gave us quite a fright. A carnival was underway, - in Edgemont on this special day. Come bring your lanterns was the call, - and join the Wildlights Festival. The village came alive with light, - stilt walkers, fire and dances bright. And magic swirled round all, it seems - thanks to North Van and Public Dreams.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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North Van volunteer Biliana Velkova dressed as a wish fairy for the parade. |
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Ryan Martin, who came out to celebrate with mom Terri and dad alan, made his lantern especially for the occasion. |
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It takes a lot of volunteer power to put on events like this. From left: Kristy Shamper, Sabina Kral and Abby Nielsen. |
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Let's hear it for the Curleigh girls. From left: Kate (10), Hannah (6), Sarah (7) and mom Sue. |
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Jon Curleigh and 12 year-old son Sam came out to see the fire parade and stilt walkers. |
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Taking in her first festival, eight month-old Madeleine Thomson and dad John were wide-eyed with anticipation. |
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Purple and pink glow sticks are also for the young at heart. Just ask Mary Lobban, left, Morag MacLeod and Agnes Jefferson. |
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Brothers James, left, and Timothy Cockfield got into the sprit of things by dressing as magical, big black bats. |
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The festival is always a big family affair. And the Philips clan, owners of Giftworks, is a big part of Edgemont Village. |
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