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West Vancouver's Harmony ARts Festival 2007
Aug 5, 2007
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
The North Shore Outlook is delivered to homes in Canada's wealthiest communities, North Vancouver and West Vancouver, every Thursday - over 60,000 issues in print. |
The Harmony Arts Festival has been the crown jewel of festivals for 17 years in West Vancouver and deservedly so. Where else can you find arts, crafts, music, displays, lectures, films and more all gathered in such a perfect beachfront setting? Venture off the beach for studio tours that cover the North Shore, or join the younger set at one of my favourite features - Youth Rock. After dinner, walk down to the John Lawson main stage for a live sunset concert or movie in the park - popcorn available on site.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
Vancouver's best events and celebrity functions are all archived here. Vancouver pubs, clubs, nightclubs, gala events and fundraisers are included. Thanks for viewing.
Due to server capacity, you will not be able to access or click through to the larger photographs. With over 250,000 unique visits each month, our site would quickly exceed the amount of memory needed.
If you would like to receive a copy of a photograph, then please send an email and enclose the details of the event, the date, the name, the photo number and the names of the people in the photograph. Also, for security reasons, I prefer not to email copies of pictures to anyone other than the people who are actually in the photo. Thanks. |

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Too cute to be crafty, award-winning sculpture artist Graham Eagle (left) and Mark Wilinson, who fashions model tugboats out of recycled boats, sell their wares. |

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Beutiful Swarovski crystals sparkle in the sun as jewelery artist Susie Wickstead (left), and Brie Gorosh attend the weekend Craft Market. |

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Henna and face painting artist Taya Maki decorates six year-old Julia Reder (left) and 10 year-old sister Sophia as the sun sets in Ambleside. |

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Harmony Arts is nothing without its volunteers. From left: Bruce Jamieson, Margo Meakin and Charlie Scholze. |

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Festival production assistant Tierney Milne and administrator Peter Ottis take in some house beats at the Youth Rock stage. |

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Sixites' pop meets 90's avant garde sounds as The Shine On takes to the Youth Rock stage in one of the festival's premiere events. |

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Festival producer Richard Berg sets the sound perfectly as young bands get ready to play in the park at Youth Rock. |

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West Van's Vanessa Cunningham shows off her spinning wheel and adds a classic twist to this modern day festival. |