The glasses are empty and the crowds have flown home and once again, the Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival has broken all records. Raising over $447,000 at the gala alone, the last days of the fest included parties, luncheons and the festival tasting room which hosted over 2,000 people a day for three sold-out nights at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, , and
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John, Grace and Michael Marosits at the Signorello gala table. |

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North Van's Jill and Mike Killeen. |

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Fairmont Hotel Vancouver's Jill Killeen, seen here with award winning CTV reporter and hubby Mike Killeen, looked fabulous in a burgandy wine mermaid gown. |

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Grammy award winning singer and expectant mother-to-be Sarah McLachlan attended the gala dinner with husband/drummer Ash Sood. The couple live in West Vancouver and are expecting their second child in early July. |

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Three cheers to North Vancouver's finest wine connoisseurs, namely Val and Darryl Johannesen, Denise and Barry Fergusson, Sandi and Stephen Kaye and Twyla and Warren. |

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The gala is pure glam, class and style thanks to committee members Sid Cross (left) and West Vancouver's Jim Robertson who both cuddled up to Jim's beautiful wife, Milena. |

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Sid Cross, Milena and Jim Robertson. |

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Mission Hill proprietor Anthony von Mandle and wine/PR consultant Dana Lee Harris were on hand at the festival tasting room's trade afternoon. |

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Bearfoot Bistro king Andre St. Jacques' designer dinner package took the highest bid at the gala at $25,000. |

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Hardy Wines. |

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At 28, handsome Maximilian Riedel comes from 11 generations of Bohemian and Austrian glassmakers. He was on hand at Nu restaurant to take part in the "Hola Chile" lunch tasting. |