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Wendy McDonald BC Bearing Group 85th Birthday and Classic Boat Show at Burrard Yacht Club
June 15, 16, 2007
By Catherine "Cat" Barr
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Wendy B. McDonald, Chairman and CEO of BC Bearing Group, is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and has spent over 50 years turning her company into a global leader. This elegant business lady is one of the North Shore's finest and last week she celebrated her 85th birthday with some famous friends at the Terminal City Club. Dressed in flapper costumes, guests toasted the occasion in style.
Also, last weekend, North Van's Burrard Yacht Club held its first annual classic boat show. The public got a chance to vote on their favourites and then later, owners found out who was the winner at a special after banquet and cocktail reception.
Catherine Barr, Vancouver's celebrity events reporter and photographer, is supported online by CLR Communications Ltd, westvancouver.com , northvancouver.com and vancouverview.com
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Stanley Kwok, known for developing Concord Pacific Place and much more, joined philanthropists Joe and Rosalie Segal, who have been recognized with the Order of Canada, the Order of BC and the 2005 Variety Club International Humanitarian Award, at Wendy's 85th birthday. |

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Popular former politician, Amazing Grace McCarthy, and Garde Gardom, former Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, celebrate their friend Wendy's 85th birthday. |

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Raising a glass in honour of Wendy's 85th birthday were Brian Ashton (left), Celina Padol, Keith Anderson and Pat Lombardi. |

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Looking fine in flapper's feathers and fringe was the birthday girl herself, BC Bearing's Wendy McDonald and daughter Penny Omnes who were both perfectly dressed for the occasion. |

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Burrard Yacht Club fleet captain James Nelson was instrumental in organizing the classic boat show. |

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Peggy and Mike O'Brien's 1920 "Euphemia" was an eye-catching favourite at the classic boat show. |

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Lisa and Kevin O'Sullivan, owners of the "Lisa Sea", await the vote count back at the banquet hall at the classic boat show. |

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Edgemont Design's Rod Franske celebrated a day of classic boats and votes at the Burrard Yacht Club. |